Down goes Disney

The fall of the classic franchise and a joke of a streaming platform.

By Ph1n

‎ ‎ ‎ Disney has had its worst year by far in 2023. Before I start on all of Disney’s problem there is something we have to take into consideration, the Hollywood strike. Actors, writers, and directors have been on strike for over 100 days and has led many companies to postpone or cancel future productions. Disney had six major blockbuster productions this year and all but one flopped miserably. The only bright spot from this year was the third installment in the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise which was revved quite well by critics and beloved by the public amounting large box office success. Besides that one success there were many failures. The high budget nightmare in Indiana Jones: Dial of Destiny wasn’t terrible in my opinion but the amount spent on such a forgettable movie isn’t with it. Then there was the weird and unneeded remake/spinoff of Haunted Mansion a classic Disney theme park attraction turned into a movie. The movie was filled with stars such as Danny DeVito and Owen Wilson but actually didn’t even surpass productions costs in the box office and that’s not even including advertising which can double budgets. I had high hope for this years Pixar movie. Elemental wasn’t a success but didn’t do terribly. The public I think really enjoyed this movie and what it was trying to achieve and the classic Pixar animation style with new graphic was pretty to see. The story was lackluster but got the job done. Back on the subject of unwanted remakes The Little Mermaid made a “splash” back on the big screen in a live action tale. This movie was a fail from the start. Months before the movie’s release there was already outrage in casting choices and script changing decisions. Thus the movie had terrible rating from both critics and the public and overall had some of the unfunniest jokes I had ever heard in a kid movie. Disney really struggled on this one.