The Hollywood Dreamland of "Be Yourself" Is A Lie︱Philosophy
By Jack On Reality

Over the years, Hollywood has planted countless moral themes into the foundation of our gullible and excitable society. After all, how many times have you heard someone say something like, "be yourself." Be yourself is actually one of Hollywood's most overused themes, and is simultaneously Hollywood's biggest lie. We humans cannot, if we want to thrive, be ourselves.
Be yourself, in Hollywood terms (which become society's general terms), is a strict rule. It suggests that we must be ourselves all the time, and never anything else. Being yourself means to act genuinely, and not try to conform to the characters of others. This is impossible for us.
First of all, we are social animals. One of our major instincts is to make friends and "fit in." To do this, we cannot simply be ourselves. We must appeal to others, make them want to be our friends. And that forces us to fake our own characters. We change small, or large, aspects of our character so that we seem cooler to others. If we want to be friends with someone who likes football, we will pretend we like football just to befriend that person.
This is proven by the behavior of some of our closest living ancestors, the chimpanzees. Chimpanzees, similarly to us, are very sociable creatures. Social standing in chimpanzee tribes is extremely important. To build alliances, chimpanzees literally scratch each other's backs. We aren't as physical when making friends, but doesn't this comparison say something about us? To make friends, we pretend we're cool, we act nice, and we are definitely not ourselves.
So the next time you hear someone, or some movie, say "be yourself," take it with a grain of salt.
Are Aliens Real??︱Philosophy
By Sophia M.
Are Aliens Real? Have you ever wondered if aliens are real? Well, it’s a question that has puzzled scientists and people for a long time. Some people believe that aliens exist, while others think it’s all just made-up stories. Let’s take a closer look at this mystery and see what we can find out.
First of all, what are aliens? Aliens are creatures from outer space, different from any living thing we know on Earth. They might look like little green beings with big eyes, or they could be completely different. Some people claim to have seen UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) in the sky, which they believe are spaceships from other planets. These sightings have sparked the idea that aliens might be visiting our planet. But is there any real evidence to support the existence of aliens? Well, scientists have been searching for signs of extraterrestrial life for a long time. They use powerful telescopes to scan the skies and listen for any signals from outer space. So far, they haven’t found any concrete proof of aliens. However, some scientists argue that the universe is so vast, with billions of galaxies and planets, that it’s hard to believe we are the only living beings in it.
Another thing to consider is the possibility of microbial life on other planets. Microbes are tiny organisms that can survive in extreme conditions. Scientists have discovered microbes on Earth in places like deep-sea vents and frozen ice. If these hardy little creatures can survive in such harsh environments, then maybe similar life forms could exist on other planets too.
On the other hand, skeptics argue that the lack of evidence is a strong reason to doubt the existence of aliens. They say that all the UFO sightings can be explained by natural phenomena or human-made objects. They believe that until we have solid proof, it’s better to focus on what we know for sure, which is life on Earth. In conclusion, the question of whether aliens are real or not remains a mystery. While some people believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life, others are more skeptical. Scientists continue to search for evidence, but so far, there is no definitive proof. Whether aliens are real or not, it’s always exciting to imagine what might be out there in the vastness of space.