How will you spend Valentine’s Day?︱Holidays
By Kira

On Valentine's Day, people show and express their love to their loved ones. This happens every February 14. Men and women buy flowers, chocolates and other trinkets for their mothers, partners, and friends. People spend their day with their significant other or even family. Some people go out with friends. Valentine’s Day is a day to celebrate your love .
How did Valentine's Day start? The Duke of Orleans was sentenced to prison and had written letters to his wife. In his poem he wrote “my very gentle valentine." Charles, the Duke of Orleans, was then released after being in prison for 25 years. But his wife had died before his return. He decided from the point on that he would start a romantic tradition, giving chocolates and roses to her memory.
People are increasingly taking pride in spending the day alone. Some people haven’t found their significant other and it's okay. Some people also seem to spend the day at home or just going out. Also some people just take the day for some self-care. On this day, many people seem to party with close friends and family. Many also go out with their friends . You can always spend it like any other day.
What is Groundhog Day?︱Holidays
By Brandon

Groundhog day is a holiday that people celebrate in the U.S. and Canada. If you did not know, Groundhog Day is not a national holiday and is celebrated every year. This year the tradition is going to be celebrated on Friday, February 2, 2024.
Groundhog day is from old European weather lore. It was brought by the 17th and 18th century Germans emigrating to Pennsylvania. After centuries, the holiday is still celebrated and still somewhat retains the same meaning. If the groundhog sees its shadow and it retreats into its burrow, this means six more weeks of winter, but if it does not see it after it comes out, that means that spring is coming early. But research shows that 39% of the time it is correct.