See you...︱Jaden - Programmer
Wow, I just want to say, this time went by so fast. It felt like yesterday was my first day coming to OWH. I remember that coming to this school on the first day felt scary for me and I was super nervous as I wouldn't know anyone here. Once it struck 8:00 AM, I was officially a middle schooler. I wasn't even looking at the clock during that day and time went by so fast. I met so many of my new classmates on the first day of school and a lot of great and nice teachers. The teachers were so welcoming and that's the one of the best parts of OWH.
Besides my journey, I just want to say thank you for your time for reading this newspaper in your freetime, it really means a lot. I really hope you all enjoyed reading the articles and seeing all new cool designs for each months newspaper. I tried my hardest to make it the best I could, especially this edition. I hope this newspaper continues on for many years and I hope you all have a great rest of your time at this school. Special thanks to Ms. Castro and Ms. Leon for having the newspaper club and thank you to Ms. Kotzer and Mr. Caroll for approving the newspapers we have published and allowing this club to be at the school. Farewell!
Adieu︱Jack - Editor, Journalist
The night before my first day at OWH, I said to my mother, “Well, I’m just going to be myself and see what happens.” It sounds cheesy, but looking back on it, that’s exactly what I did. And things turned out pretty well. I walked into school, loving the Beatles, loving writing, loving reading, and not caring what anyone else thought. That policy was tested over the years, and I myself developed the philosophy that being yourself is not fully possible (check earlier issues). However, for the most part, I did what I set out to do. And I was fairly successful. I created this newspaper, didn’t I? I made new friends, and got into a great school, and had a wonderful three years at OWH. I learned much here–both about myself and the world around me. For that, I am ever grateful to my teachers.
I hope that this newspaper will live on, so that in future years I have something to point to and say, “there, I did that.” I hope that the newspaper will grow, too, and more students will learn the value of written media. For this truly is a powerful thing, especially now, in the age of AI, when language is meaning less and less. This newspaper gives me hope in the future. And the school as a whole does, too. That’s why these three years have been so special. Well, that’s all from this old rambler. Adieu!
Aufrichtig︱Asaf - Journalist
The end of the year is upon us, and next fall we won’t be joining you with more content, and our sixth and seventh graders will take it upon the, to carry this newspaper forwards. The newspaper club started off with few members, and the entire project was carried on few shoulders. We hope that as years pass by, our legacy is taken on and this system grows more and more strong. This is my goodbye. Auf Wiedersehn, und viel Glück. Aufrichtig, -The Psalmist