Solar Eclipse Happening April 8th!︱Events
By Daniel

An Overview of Solar Eclipses: Solar eclipses occur when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, blocking out the Sun's light partially or completely. There are three types: total, partial, and annular. Total eclipses occur when the Moon completely covers the Sun, while partial eclipses happen when only part of the Sun is obscured. Annular eclipses occur when the Moon is too far from Earth to completely cover the Sun, leaving a ring of sunlight visible around the Moon.
When is it this year? According to, “When is the total solar eclipse? The 2024 solar eclipse is happening on Monday, April 8, 2024. Depending on where you are, you can view the eclipse beginning anywhere from around noon to around 4pm. Find out exactly what time the eclipse begins and how much of the sun will be covered in your area using this handy tool: